Oil Dip Stick
Oil Dip Stick
If you've ever broken your pump or engine oil dip stick, like I have, then try this replacement for the General Pump line of pumps. Proper maintenance will extend the life of your pump, and you need a dip stick to perform some of that maintenance.
Always make sure you are using the right oil for your pump. Pump oil is different than engine oil. Pressure washing pumps call for non-detergent oil, as opposed to gasoline engines, which require the normal oil used for engines.
I sell only the High Performance Oil line up because that's what I use for all our equipment, trucks, and even personal vehicles. The reason I do this is I have noticed a measurable difference in the performance of our trucks and equipment. Additionally, I have saved quite a bit of money from not having to change the oil as frequently.
Are you starting a pressure washing business? Check out my Online Pressure Washing School that will help you drastically cut your learning curve. You can also get some great pressure washing tips and tricks at my YouTube Channel. As always, if you have any questions I can help you with, please use our CONTACT FORM.