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Marine Fuel Tank

Marine Fuel Tank

Regular price $135.00
Regular price $135.00 Sale price $135.00
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This 12 gallon marine fuel tank is ideal for those pressure washers that do not come with a gas tank or want a larger capacity tank.  The capacity for this fuel tank at 12 Gallons is ideal for being able to run all day or maybe even a couple 1/2 days.  I always try to use large fuel tanks to prevent having to transport gas cans in my truck  or trailer.  I mainly stock these for those purchasing the  8 GPM Skid Pressure Washer that does not come with a fuel tank.  If you have our Kingslinger Soft Wash System then you can easily plumb both the pressure washer and the air compressor using a 1/4" dual barb.

This marine fuel tank comes with vented cap so be sure to follow the instructions for the how to of proper venting.  Also has a fuel gauge for helping to prevent running out of gas.

Are you starting a pressure washing business? Check out my Online Pressure Washing School that will help you drastically cut your learning curve. You can also get some great pressure washing tips and tricks at my YouTube Channel. As always, if you have any questions I can help you with, please use our CONTACT FORM.


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