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Kingslinger Window Cleaner Adapter

Kingslinger Window Cleaner Adapter

Regular price $40.00
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 With our new Kingslinger Window Cleaner Adapter, you can wash windows with water from your holding tank! You'll be able to use your Kingslinger Soft Wash System (or other soft wash system) to feed water to your Reach-It waterfed pole. You'll pump water from your tank through the pump into the Reach-It filter and straight up the pole.

Before you begin, flush your pump and line with plenty of clean water. Now, install the male-threaded cam lock fitting onto the water inlet side of your filter. (This is where you would normally hook up your water hose from the faucet.) Then, attach the the barb end of the Banjo plug fitting into the cam lock and lock it. Insert the 1/4-inch plug into the socket on your soft wash gun. I use a soft wash ball valve gun, so I can easily turn the water on and off with the ball valve.

Once you've got your pump primed and ready, turn on the water. You can use a ball valve or use your trigger gun with trigger lock in place. You can now can use your water tank to clean windows. You'll find this really helpful if you're ever cleaning a property without a water supply. You can even use it if you don't want to hook up to a garden hose for some reason. Again, flush your pump with plenty of water before using your Kingslinger Window Cleaner Adapter. ALWAYS MAKE SURE YOUR BLEACH VALVE IS TURNED OFF.

I have an awesome Online Pressure Washing School that is perfect if you are just starting a pressure washing business.  You can also get some great tips at my YouTube Channel.

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