For the last twelve years, I have been providing monthly hands on training in Houston, Texas. It has always been on a Monday and Tuesday. Monday was hands on training at a job site, and Tuesday was classroom instruction. We are now offering both classroom instruction and hands on training on SATURDAYS. There are several reasons for this schedule change. First, the Doug Rucker Store has grown increasingly busy on Monday and Tuesday mornings. Another reason is that in the last couple of years, we have had many requests to add TRAINING ON SATURDAYS. So we made an adjustment to our schedule beginning with our September 2024 training dates.
We always seek input and listen to feedback from our students. It seems to us the majority would prefer the training sessions in one day, rather than spread out over two days. This greatly reduces the amount of time it takes traveling and being away from home or away from your job. So hands on training will start promptly at 8:30 and students still receive the same amount of training and equipment demos. After a break on your own for lunch, we'll re-gather for classroom instruction at my training center. We will take a deep dive into topics that include roof cleaning, house washing, property protection and concrete cleaning. Our hope is that this will enable more people to attend the school and learn how to start a business. I am excited about the new change and look forward to monthly training on Saturdays now. The remaining dates for 2024 are October 12, November 2, and December 7.
More topics we cover include the difference between pressure washing and soft washing with a down streaming demonstration. And you will get to use the equipment. You will experience a wide range of guns, wands, nozzles and other essential power wash equipment. There are many different surface types and several application methods you need to master. And I always encourage folks to ask questions and be engaged to leverage your training time. You can sign up for the next Saturday monthly training by clicking here. And be sure and check out the FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS PAGE to learn more about how it all works.