This Power Wash Training Course video features an event in Cocoa, Florida. The event was held at King Street Baptist Church in Cocoa, Fl in February 2024. One of the most troublesome areas we cleaned was along the back wall of the facility. While the concrete was not dirty, you can see how heavily stained the white window sills were in the video. They were covered with black and green algae. We we're able to train about ten participants on this back wall with the wand. Basically, the bleach changes the color of the algae and our Dougie Fresh helps loosen the stains. I also taught how to reach the top window sills without using a ladder with the 0060 shooter nozzle.
We talked about the important of looking at the overall job on site and developing a plan for set up. Location of water supply, rig parking, and hose management are all key pieces of getting set up on the job successfully. It's important to think strategically about this in order to save time and physical energy. We also discussed other issues at length such as property protection and downstreaming. I was able to demonstrate and allow them to use the FlowPro downstream remote system as well. Our BigSlinger Soft Wash System was also a major part of the training.
We broke for lunch and moved the truck to set up for roof cleaning in the afternoon. Spray technique is the most important aspect of effective roof cleaning service. I demonstrated how to avoid flooding the roof so that you are conserving water, bleach and surfactant while protecting the property. And we showed how to use tyvac for property protection as well. This three day training event also included the Difference Makers business growth conference. In addition, Jeff Blackman provided hands on parking lot stripe training. We are excited to bring this same three day event to Atlanta, Georgia June 20-22, 2024. Let us know in the comment section if you might be interested in attending the Atlanta training event.