This PIPE VISE GRIP TOOL video post from Doug Rucker features a great, portable device. You can use it at home, in your shop, or on a job. Joining Doug in this video post is Brennan Perot who designed, manufactures and distributes the Pipe Vise Grip Tool. It is something like a pipe wrench, but 100 times better! It's sturdy, stable, portable and the perfect tool for changing hose fittings, downstream and bypass injectors, guns and more. It will save time and effort for repairs both on the job as well as at home or in your shop. While there are several tools in this complete line, it's the BIG FOOT ULTRALIGHT that you'll want to make a priority.
Right off the bat, this eliminates the hassle of using two pipe wrenches or two pairs of pliers to tighten or loosen. Using two tools is what makes getting enough leverage to really crank down nearly impossible. But the PIPE VISE GRIP TOOL has spring loaded jaws providing an 1/8 inch to an inch and a half pipe capacity. And while the tool primarily is for plumbing and HVAC, there are many applications for power wash business equipment usage. At the 5:00 minute time stamp, there is a demonstration on a ball valve fitting. You can clearly see how much easier and how much quicker it is to get great leverage without much elbow grease. It includes rubber feet which keeps the pipe vise in place without slipping or moving around. And using the pipe vise SLIM JAW pliers eliminates the risk of pinching your fingers when using traditional channel lock pliers. Doug suggests that with just the pipe vise grip tool and the slim jaw pliers, you can complete pretty much any repair that's necessary for pressure washing business equipment.
There are a few other PIPE VISE brand tools you may want to consider adding to your wish list. The Pipe Vise JOURNEYMAN KIT adds several various pliers and tools neatly organized for storage in a go bag. There is a total of 8 different tools in this kit. The Pipe Vise TR1 TOOL ROOL does not include the grip tool. Brennan covers these tools at the 8:20 time stamp. If you have any questions, shoot an email to Info@DougRuckerStore.com or you can call or text 281-612-1223. Check out all the details for our next hands on training event coming up in Houston. And if you can't make it to Houston, be sure and check out the online video school.